Montag, 20. April 2015


Click to get to my Goodbye Poem

One Year ago I was roaming around

One Year ago I was roaming around
more clueless than today
a constant brush of German words in my head
entering my ears but not quite my mind
do your homework, sit up straight,
feed the cat, be good, don’t hit your sister, stay awake, don’t you dare fall asleep,
we don’t have a cat
sometimes people get tired of the things they see everyday
some people are bathing in the comfort of familiarity
of no fast beating hearts
of perfectly dry skin
of the utter calmness of their fingertips
I can’t
so I came here with a frequent heartbeat of 150 and I can still feel my skin go
from hot to cold
I love it
the way English language rolls off my tongue
the way Natasha, the first American girl I met, is now my friend
the way I watch football, the way I go to a high school
the way I have a brother now,
who thinks he’s smarter than me,
but not really.
I love the way this feels normal
but people stopped asking me when I arrived
now they want to know when I have to leave
and I know my time is slowly creeping up on me
but I don’t want to go.
Ask how long it takes to establish a life,
less than 6 months, that’s for sure
I have to say goodbye
I’m leaving a whole life behind,
and I am not coming back to where I have left off
and that’s ok as long as I make those 300 days
pretty and memorable.
All those little things nobody really talks about,
all the people in this class,
the people in the hallway I see everyday
make it hard for me not to make this
Thank you for letting me be one of you

Unspoken words make their way to reality
as I speak what I have always longed to say
I want to be somebody
You made me somebody
Is why, instead of goodbye,
I say see you soon.

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